Letras Razor Sharp Daggers Agathocles
Agathocles Letras
Razor Sharp Daggers (1995)
- A Start at Least letra
- Clean the Scene letra
- A for Arrogance letra
- Thy Kingdome won't Come letra
- Media Creations letra
- All Gone letra
- Swallow or Choke letra
- Razor Sharp Daggers letra
- Enough letra
- Throwing Away Crap letra
- Cracking up Solidarity letra
- Lunatic letra
- Didn't Ask letra
- Twisting History letra
- Deserves to Die letra
- Age of the Mutans letra
- Zero-Ego letra
- Gear-Wheels letra
- Dear Friends letra
- Hormon Mob letra
- Hash-head, Farmers'Death letra
- Dare to be Aware letra
- Kiss an Ass letra
- All Love Dead letra
- Fear Not letra
- Sieg Shit letra
- Hatronomous letra
- Hideous Headchopping letra
- Bigheaded Bastards letra
- Get of your Ass letra
- Distrust and Abuse letra
- Hippie Cult letra
- Provoked Behaviour letra
- Black Ones (poem)/Systemophobic letra
- Anthropodislogical letra
- Labelisation letra
- What Mankind Creates letra
- No ! letra
- Rejected Adaptation letra
- An Abstract letra
- Faded Novelty letra
- Senseless Trip letra
- Here and Now letra
- Is it Really Mine ? letra Volver a las letras de Agathocles