Letra de Anjelier
The delicate petals fell silently Forming a cherry blossom carpet The dance in the win like rose-petal coloured snowflakes The mist falls and muffles all sound And as i look up i see the face of my mother among the Sakura the dawn approaches but the moon remains Unlike my thoughts of you, invisible but always with me Through the passing seasons the vision of you waxes and wanes I wonder what you are feeling now I look up and see your face in the moonlit night Man is born, grows up, learns of love, becomes an adult Looks for love, takes a vow, creates life, becomes a parent Grows old, grows wiser, ends life and returns to the earth But before that With deepest love and sincerity I offer flowers for your words This poem for my thoughts of you Flower petals dancing in the wind And morning moon shining in the sky Please carry this voice to my mother With love