Letra de Fuck Mardi Gras
I'd say that Mardi Gras' a bunch of bullshit
Why're all them fuckers dancin' around?
I met some guy who'd got the operation
We went inside and talked all day

I told him things down there don't seem ok
I'm sick and tired of rice n' beans
Dixieland and drunk marines

I hung out with a couple of chicks that went out drinking
Some local scrounges socked 'em up
Grandpa's been squeezing me till I go bathroom
We stayed up late and cried all night

I told him everything would be all right
He took me over to New Orleans
I guess I know now what he means...down in New Orleans

I guess I wish I hadn't flown.
Cos I got booze and strippers back at home
Quickly turned into one big rash
Gypsies, vendors, po' white trash...

Josh, it's Christina. I was just calling to inform you that you lose and I am so unimpressed and over it, so I just thought I'd call and let you know. You can just lose my number and you have a great life now rockstar. Bye.