Letra de Gentleman's Dream
Juliet said to the night air 'Wherefore art thou Romeo?' He was beneath the balcony Hearing a word he didn't know Romeo said to Juliet What does 'wherefore' mean? Juliet said 'why? We're only a gentleman's dream' Snow White said to Cinders 'The prince is always gone Fighting wars and inviting whores To sing him love's sweet song' Cinders said to Snow White 'Charming's only letting off steam He's a gentleman And we're only a gentleman's dream' Amy said to the warden When I turn on my tv There's always someone I recognise And she's much better looking than me' Warden said 'Lolita You're a star of the stage and screen Crime pays And you're only a gentleman's dream' Carmen said to the Butterfly 'How come every night I submit to my lover's will And walk on to that knife' Butterfly said 'well don't you know You're a symbol in a scheme Get a life You're only a gentleman's dream'