Letra de Dragon
Far away on a mountain, mountain
Anxiety has been mounting mounting
Confidence has been flickering again
On and off again, on off again
How long will this torture drag on?
Has he forever lost it this time?
All hopes for rekindling are dwindling,
nothin' can comfort his mind

One week ago in a nice office downtown
Not noticing all of his colors had worn down
His fire faded and he had meltdown
Now he's back at home trying to light it again

Ooh... with a sigh he breathes rain
puddles form in the cave
Serpentine eyes grow cloudy (cloudy)
Heart beating slow
It's too cold
It's too cold

Dreams of warmth and fire dancing
Wanting it Wanting it Wanting it
On and off again
On and off again
He has been waiting for days
Sometimes the smoldering starts
and grumbles with a promising sound
but never a flame, never a flame

Eventually all expectations extinguish
A Water-logged impotence, languid, and listless
His eyes glazing over- opaque opalescence
A blinding reminder of how old he has grown.

Learning to be what I am
Itching inside this old skin
Desensitized, cold, and dead
These callous scales must be shed.

Immobilized and suffocating
Paralyzing shutters of shame
All sense of self collapses
Writhing around on the ground
Echoes in caverns crying: “I know I know
I know you want it now”

Scraping his back across sharp rocks knowing
He won't feel a thing
Numb and trembling
Hearing the sound, the sound, the sound, the sound
Ripping scales torn off and fall and blow away

Tear right through the skin that you're in
And feel yourself burst into flames
The struggle to
Unleash the new
Perpetually turning

Aound and around and around and around

Learning to be what I am
Itching inside this old skin
Desensitized, cold, and dead
These callous scales must be shed.

Exposed and vulnerable,
You shine like a halo

You want it too. . .