Letra de I Will Go
Chorus: I will go, I will go, When the fightin' is over, To the land of McLeod That I left to be a soldier. I will go, I will go. I When the king's son came along He called us a' together, Saying "Brave Higland men, Will ye fight for my father?" I will go, I will go. Chorus II I've a buckle on my belt A sword in my scabbard A red coat on my back And a shilling in my pocket I will go, I will go Chorus III When they put us all on board The lasses were singing But the tears came tae their eyes When the bells started ringing I will go, I will go. Chorus IV When we landed on the shore And saw the foreign heather We knew that some would fall And would stay here for ever I will go, I will go. Chorus V When we came back tae the glen, The winter was turning, Our goods lay in the snow, And our houses were burning. I will go, I will go. Chorus ------------------------------------------- Auch in diesem Lied geht es um eines der Haupthemen der Corries, die schottischen Kriege. In diesem speziellen Fall geht es um Krieger die ausziehen um zu kämpfen, bei ihrer Heimkehr finden sie ihre eigenen Häuser in Schutt und Asche vor.