Letra de Dr. Finta
Dr Finta - Intro Yes, may I help you. Yeah, I have an appointment today with Dr. Finta. And your name please? Mark Buckner. Yes Dr. Finta, we have a patient that's here, Mark Buckner.. He is here to see you. Okay Mary, go ahead and send him back in here. I'm ready for all the patients, thank you. Okay thank you doc, I'll send him right in. Oh yes, Mark Buckner, how you doin' today sir? Yes uhh, I hear you have a problem sleeping uhhh, having panic attacks, you look kinda beak-ed, lemme give you something here, this will calm your nerves.. *Screams of pain* - echoing. Oh does that hurt? I'm sorry, lemme introduce myself. I'm B-O-B-E-N-I-T-E B-O-B-E-N-I-T-E, B-O-B-E-N-I-T-E..................B-O-B-E-N-I-T-E... Stranger. I have come for you. I ammmmmm Death.