Her Story
Right back at you again and um... Tonight I'm bringin' you somethin' new, somethin' special (Get ratchet ya bitch) You see the highlights of a life was not as a teen Baby girl was homeless, had a nigga thuggin' in the streets 18, runnin' plays in the streets, dealin' with them weirdos niggas In-between family wasn't no real love she ever seen Head beat, mentally depressed, baby was not what she seemed Always gleam, kept a smile on the face, avoid the questioning Even though apparent how she moved, she done seen some things Prolly had some dreams, diminished by the luck of things Reality, lost her way and started strippin' More pain, 13 and the fam yellin', "Prolly all you'll ever be Ho-in', strippin' in the streets, you'll be pregnant by 15" Said bet money, they bet money Mama ain't have time for her, daddy never cared for her Never had the guidance, only downin' words that's drownin' her Cut off from the world, shit was cold to her Tried to kill herself but shit, it didn't work Mama laughed, it broke her heart Built from scabs, so pain don't hurt Never built a day she worked Hard to get it back when all they did was stomp it in the dirt Now look at her, 21 and numb, she still feel pain but it don't bother her Puttin' family first, even after all the dirt From Letras Mania