Paper Bird

Stroboscope Lights
From where i stand i see all the pieces of the mirror and i can connect the brain to the felt-tip pen.From up above i see all your houses like boxes, crammed together, and if i jump jump jump i know where i will land. Stroboscope lights into my soul, too much reflection to be fit for a home. So i shut my eyes and i try to sleep but there's an echo echo echo inside of me. i smelled like fish when i came out of the water and i couldn't stand the pain of my limbs starting to grow and since that day i've had one eye looking to the river and my strap-on emotions trying to piss my name into the snow. Stroboscope lights into my soul, to much reflection to be fit for a home. So i shut my eyes and i try to sleep but there's an echo echo echo inside of me. From Letras Mania